Aq Loot Table

Aq Loot Table Rating: 3,0/5 5098 reviews
This feature is exclusive to Bedrock Edition.

Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj is a 20-man raid located in the southernmost part of Silithus. Tier Set Gear does not drop from bosses directly in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, instead, there are class-specific armor tokens that drop, similar to Zul'Gurub. Once the encounters are learned, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj should prove to be about the same difficulty for you as Zul. Lord Kri is one of three enemies in the optional Bug Family boss encounter in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Lord Kri is joined by Vem and Princess Yauj. The order in which you kill the three bugs determines which loot table is used for drops. He can also be tamed as a silithid with a unique orange skin. This update includes Dungeon loot table adjustments, increased drop chances for epic items, and many new caster DPS items from original WoW patch 1.10. Several Relics are now available. Reputation rewards from Warsong Gulch, Alterac Valley, Thorium Brotherhood, and Timbermaw Hold vendors are updated. The loot situation in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is fairly unique. There are eight Tier 2.5 set tokens in total that translate into the 5-piece armor set for all nine classes. Armor slots are represented by 2 Feet/Shoulder, Head, Legs, and Chest tokens, split evenly between classes.

  • 1Getting Started
  • 3Conditions
  • 4Functions

This is the loot tables/trade tables documentation for Bedrock Edition 1.16.1.

Version: v1.16.1

Getting Started[edit]

Creating Loot Tables[edit]

  • Loot table and trade table JSONs are created in subfolders of the root behavior pack folder; loot tables in the loot_tables folder and trade tables in the trading folder. Some vanilla files belong in subfolders within those folders, such as the newer villager trades.
  • Example of a loot table file named custom_loot_table.json at loot_tables/entities folder:
  • From this example, we can see that the loot table would drop one string.

Applying Loot Tables[edit]

  • Applying loot tables on an entity requires the minecraft:loot component in your entity. Refer to the Entities documentation to learn more about entity components.
  • Applying loot tables on a block requires the minecraft:loot component in your block. Refer to the Blocks documentation to learn more about block components.
  • Applying trade tables on an entity requires the minecraft:trade_table or minecraft:economy_trade_table component in your entity.


  • Crash
    • The game will crash if your loot table has bad syntax when spawning an entity with equipment, killing an entity, breaking a custom block outside creative, opening edited chest loot, fishing, or interacting with an entity that drops items.
    • The game will crash if the trade table has bad syntax when opening the trade UI or loading the world, or will display the trades blank.
  • Equipment Table
    • Only a helmet, chestplate, Illager banner, leggings, elytra, and boots can be equipped in an entity's armor slots.
    • An entity can't wear a carved pumpkin, mob heads, or custom armor, but can hold one in its main hand.
    • Items that can be placed in player off-hand such as a shield can be held in an entity's off-hand.
  • Trade Table
    • 'wants' key in trade tables does not currently accept items with functions, meaning that it will display the item in trade but will accept any item that matches this item, even if it's not named, enchanted, or has custom lore.
    • Trade table behavior-component must be added in as a component group in 'component groups' and not added directly in the 'components' or the trades will all render blank even though the JSON may use the correct syntax.
    • Economy Trade Table behavior-component works in both 'component groups' and 'components'.
  • Enchant
    • Random enchants will not work on items that can't be enchanted in game (e.g. diamond, stone, apple), but weapons, tools, and armor can.
    • Enchants with 'levels' will use XP levels to enchant with a range of 'min' to 'max'.


  • Conditions are mainly used to allow specific loot table entries to be used.
  • Conditions are optional.
  • Conditions can be used in loot table functions. Check Functions section for more information.
  • Loot table condition example:


Returns true if the defined actor's properties were executed.

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
entityString'this'The entity to test. The value must be only 'this'.
propertiesJSON Object{}The entity's properties; 'on_fire' and 'on_ground' are used for now.


Returns true if the actor's mark variant is matched to the value.

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
valueInteger64Tests for the actor's mark variant (if it has one).


Returns the condition true if the actor of the loot table is killed by the player.


Returns the condition true if the actor of the loot table is killed by player or entities that has owner.


Aq Loot Table

Sets a random chance of the specified value.

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
chanceDecimal0.0The random chance of the value.


Sets a random chance of the specified value. Looting enchantment increases the random chance multiplier.

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
chanceDecimal0.0The random chance of the value.
looting_multiplierDecimal0.0The multiplier for the chance if the target entity has the looting enchant that affects the actor.


Sets a random chance of the specified value based on the level difficulty.

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
default_chanceDecimal0.0The default random chance if the level difficulty is not assigned.
peacefulDecimal0.0The default random chance if the level difficulty is in peaceful. Omitting this field will set the value to 'default_chance' field.
easyDecimal0.0The default random chance if the level difficulty is in easy. Omitting this field will set the value to 'default_chance' field.
normalDecimal0.0The default random chance if the level difficulty is in normal. Omitting this field will set the value to 'default_chance' field.
hardDecimal0.0The default random chance if the level difficulty is in hard. Omitting this field will set the value to 'default_chance' field.


Sets a max regional difficulty random chance of the specified value.

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
max_chanceDecimal0.0The maximum random chance value allowed.



Increases the likelihood of the enchants being powerful. Example:


Will enchant the item completely random but do note 'treasure': true will increase the chance of a better enchantment.


Will only use enchantments that can be used on gear such as looting, silk touch, mending, etc., 'chance' increases likely hood that it will be enchanted at all, example: 0.5 = 50%, 1.0 = 100%.


You can specifically enchant gear.

  • See Enchants for all possible enchantments.


Will drop or give a damaged item with 0.5 = 50% damage remaining, 0.75 = 75% damage remaining.


Will drop or give a block item with a data value. Example: white wool is 0, black wool is 15.


Will drop or give a written book with author's name and book title.

  • Do not try passing the limit of text per page in the JSON file or the game may crash upon dropping the book or when the player tries opening the book in-game after picking it up/collecting it.
  • rawtext is supported pages to translate strings and do other cool stuff, see rawtext documentation for more information.
  • When using rawtext remember to use escape for special characters like ' and


Will drop or give a chest, dispenser, dropper, etc. with a custom loot table.


Will drop set items in a given range.

  • When used in 'gives' in villager trades, villagers will give the player 1 to 3 items upon loading the trade initially.


  • For drop loot, will increase the dropped amount of items using the looting enchantment
  • For equipment gear, will increase chance to drop by percentage of items using the looting enchantment.



Will drop a smelted item's result. Example: beef => cooked beef, iron ore => iron ingot. This example also shows how to access entity properties such as 'on_fire', 'on_ground'.

  • Refer to Conditions for loot table conditions.


Will drop a sheep's color wool based on the 'minecraft:color' behavior component For example, 'minecraft:color':0 will drop white wool.


Will drop an illager banner item ('type': 1). Types 0 and 2+ are unused.


Will drop a map that has an X marking a location.

  • Value is /locate command name, such as 'monument', 'mansion', 'village', 'stronghold', 'temple', 'ruins', 'shipwreck', 'pillageroutpost', 'buriedtreasure', 'mineshaft', 'endcity', 'fortress', 'ruinedportal', 'bastionremnant'. These only work in the correct dimension, with ruined portals being locatable in both the overworld and nether.


Will set enchantments randomly using the players' current enchantment seed in the player.dat, or local player to choose the enchantment when initially loading the trade on the entity.

  • Can only be used on trades; this will not work on chest loot, entity drops, entity equipment, fishing loot, or block drop loot.
  • 'base_cost' is the min number used when generating a range for the enchantment.
  • 'base_random_cost' is the max number used when generating a range for the enchantment.
  • 'per_level_random_cost' is the max cost number used when generating a range and is the cost of XP needed to attach the enchantment to an item using an anvil.
  • 'per_level_cost' is the min cost number used when generating a range and is the cost of XP needed to attach the enchantment to an item using an anvil.


Will choose a random block state value using the 'block_state': 'value'-specified, example, 'coral_color', 'flower_type', 'sapling_type'.

  • Uses the internal block state names. Check bedrock edition's block state names for the key.
  • This does not set the damage or data values on the block but instead sets the block state in NBT on the item when dropped.

Classic Wow Aq Loot


Will drop or give a non-block item with a data value. Example: effects of suspicious stew or tipped arrow.


Will drop or give an item with custom lore on it. The recommended amount of characters per line is 37, including spaces. Going past this may cause characters to display offscreen on lower resolutions, consoles, or mobile devices.


Will drop or give an item with a custom name.


Will set a spawn_egg item to an entity identifier. If 'id' is omitted as a parameter, then it will drop its own entity identifier.


Will set leather armor with random dye.


Will set material of items based on trader type.

  • Can only be used on trades.


aqua_affinityspeeds up how fast you mine blocks underwater
bane_of_arthropodsincreases attack damage against arthropods such as spiders, silverfish, etc.
blast_protectiondecreases blast and explosion damage
channelingsummons a lightning bolt at an entity when the enchanted trident is thrown, note: the entity must be in the rain
curse_of_bindingprevent removal of armor from armor slot
curse_of_vanishingitem will disappear upon death, instead of dropped.
depth_striderspeeds up how fast you swim under the water
efficiencyincreases how fast you can mine
feather_fallingdecreases fall damage and teleportation damage
fire_aspectsets entity that is hit to be on fire.
fire_protectiondecreases damage caused by fire damage and lava damage
flamemakes arrows on fire so when they hit an entity it sets them on fire
fortuneincrease block drops from mining blocks such as gold ore, diamond ore & redstone ore, etc.
frost_walkerfreezes water into ice blocks so you can walk on top of the ice
impalingincreases attack damage against sea creatures such as squid, drowned, cod, etc.
infinityallows you to shoot an infinite amount of arrows
knockbackincreases knockback damage against all entities, (entities will fly backwards)
lootingincreases the loot quantity dropped when the entity is killed
loyaltyreturns the trident to the entity after throwing
luck_of_the_seaincreases chances of catching valuable items while fishing
lureincreases the chance rate of fish biting your hook from your fishing rod
mendinguses the players XP to mend their tools, weapons and armor
multishotallows the entity to shoots 3 arrows at once but only uses 1 arrow from the entities inventory
piercingarrow can pierce through multiple entities while flying
projectile_protectionreduces projectile damage from arrows, fireballs, tridents, etc.
protectionnormal protection against attacks, fire, lava, and falling
punchincreases knockback damage against all entities with arrows, (entities will fly backwards)
quick_chargedecreases the amount of time it takes to reload with a crossbow.
respirationincreases underwater breathing & helps you see underwater better use on helmets,
riptidepushes the player forward when enchanted trident is thrown while in water or when you are in the rain.
sharpnessincreases attack damage on a sword or axe.
silk_touchmines the blocks that can't be mined under normal means, e.g. Grass Blocks, Pathway Blocks, Ice.
smiteincreases attack damage against undead entities like zombies, skeletons, etc.
soul_speedIncreases the speed of the player while walking on Soul Sand and Soul Soil.
powerIncreases all the damage dealt by a bow when applied.
thornscauses damage to the attacking entities.
unbreakingchance of not reducing durability when using an item.
Retrieved from ''

Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40) is the new 40-man raid in Phase 5 of WoW Classic. And will be the next level of progression for any guild who has Blackwing Lair on farm status. It offers new class armor sets, as well as weapons, trinkets, and more. But much of the loot isn’t a straight drop. And many of the bosses are optional. This AQ40 loot guide will help you understand where and how to get your next set of upgrades.

AQ40 won’t be available until the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj event is completed.

Brood of Nozdormu Qiraji Mounts Tier 2.5 Non-tier Armor Weapons Bug Trio Eye of C’Thun Profession Recipes

Brood of Nozdormu

Before getting to the shiny new epics we need to cover the new faction tied with AQ40 in this loot guide. The Brood of Nozdormu. This is the same faction Scarab Lords had to grind for, killing over 36,000 bugs in the process. Luckily the rest of us won’t have to deal with that, once AQ40 is open.

Everyone starts at 0/36000 Hated. But don’t fret, reputation comes quickly from raiding. Just showing up to your raid each week will get you all the reputation you need.

How Much Reputation Do I Need?

Tier 2.5 pieces only need Neutral, Friendly, and Honored for their turn-ins. Honored is only for the chest, which comes from C’Thun. If your raid has difficulty with him some of you may be honored by the time he goes down.

The Brood of Nozdormu awards rings starting at Neutral. They are upgraded at each new rep level, all the way to Exalted.

Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight

Once Neutral with Brood of Nozdormu seek out Anachronos in Tanaris, outside the Caverns of Time. There you can pick up one of three rings, which can be upgraded as you gain reputation levels:

  • Path of the Conqueror offers an agility based DPS ring
  • Path of the Invoker offers an intellect based DPS and healer ring
  • Path of the Protector offers a strength-based tanking ring

For many classes, these rings are BiS at the Revered or Exalted levels.

How to Earn Rep with Brood of Nozdormu

Ahn'qiraj Loot Table

  • Run AQ40 (trash gives rep until Friendly, bosses until Exalted)
  • Run AQ20 (small amount of rep)
  • Turn in Ancient Qiraji Artifacts
    • Drop from trash, everyone in raid group can get one from the same body
    • Recommended to save these until Friendly, when trash stops giving rep
  • Turn in Qiraji Lord’s Insignias
    • Drop from bosses, everyone in raid group can get one from the body
    • Recommended to save these until Friendly, when trash stops giving rep
  • Turn in Head of Ossirian the Unscarred from AQ20
  • Turn in quests for your Tier 2.5 armor pieces or Signet Ring upgrades

AQ40 Mounts

Likely the first loot you’ll see in AQ40 are special mounts for the instance.

  • Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal – Lowest drop rate

These 100% speed mounts drop from AQ40 trash and are important to your raid’s progress. Once you enter the temple (after Prophet Skeram) you can no longer use your regular mount. But you can use these. AQ40 is large, so having everyone in the raid with a Qiraji mount reduced downtime. They are also useful for getting into place for the C’Thun fight.

Unlike regular mounts, these will desummon as soon as you take any damage.

You cannot use these mounts outside of the AQ40 raid instance. Sorry, no free 100% mount today.

The Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal has a much lower drop rate, so expect it to be fought over. But again everyone in your raid needs to have a mount, whatever the color.

The Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal awarded from the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline will also work in AQ40. While it is a normal mount outside AQ40, it will also desummon when taking damage inside the raid instance.

AQ40 Armor Sets (Tier 2.5)

Each class has a 5-piece armor set referred to as Tier 2.5.

  • Druid – Genesis Raiment
  • Hunter – Striker’s Garb
  • Mage – Enigma Vestments
  • Paladin – Avenger’s Battlegear
  • Priest – Garments of the Oracle
  • Rogue – Deathdealer’s Embrace
  • Shaman – Stormcaller’s Garb
  • Warlock – Doomcaller’s Attire
  • Warrior – Conqueror’s Battlegear

The armor is not a straight drop like Tier 1 and Tier 2 was in Molten Core and Blackwing Lair. Tier 2.5 uses a token system like ZG. There are rep requirements (like ZG). But you also need to turn in specific scarabs and idols, too. The scarabs and idols drop from AQ40 trash. And will likely be collected and distributed by your guild officers.

AQ40 Armor

Lots of non-tier gear drops in AQ40, too. They are regular drops from bosses, no messing around with turn in requirements. For some classes, pieces will be much better than their Tier 2.5 counterpart.

There are too many items to list for this AQ40 loot guide. So instead here’s a link to an organized list on Wowhead.

  • Link is organized into tabs, one for each slot
  • Includes relics for druids, paladins, and shaman

AQ40 Weapons

If your guild is like mine you’re still short some weapon upgrades. Especially for melee players. AQ40 provides many new weapons. Both as straight drops. And from two new tokens.

Physical DPS Weapons
  • Ancient Qiraji Ripper – Sword
  • Death’s Sting – Dagger, low drop rate from C’thun
  • Silithid Claw – Fist Weapon
  • Barb of the Sand Reaver – Polearm
  • Dark Edge of Insanity – Two-handed axe
  • Kalimdor’s Revenge – Two-handed sword
Caster Weapons
  • Scepter of the False Prophet – Mace
  • Sharpened Silithid Femur – Sword
  • Hammer of Ji’zhi – Two-handed mace
  • Staff of the Qiraji Prophets – DPS staff
  • Royal Scepter of Vek’lor – Healer held item
  • Sartura’s Might – DPS held item
Ranged Weapons
  • Huhuran’s Stinger – Bow
  • Larvae of the Great Worm – Gun
  • Wand of Qiraji Nobility – Wand
  • Wormscale Blocker – Healing shield for paladins and shaman
Imperial Qiraji Armaments

One of two tokens which award a selection of weapons. Turn in also requires Elementium Ore (3). You can turn it in twice to get two of the non-unique weapons.

  • Blessed Qiraji Pugio – Dagger with hit, crit, and attack power (can dual wield)
  • Blessed Qiraji War Axe – Axe with intellect, attack power, and crit (can dual wield)
  • Blessed Qiraji Musket – Gun with ranged attack power
  • Blessed Qiraji Bulwark – Tanking shield
Imperial Qiraji Regalia

One of two tokens which award a selection of weapons. Turn in also requires Elementium Ore (3).

  • Blessed Qiraji Acolyte Staff – DPS caster staff
  • Blessed Qiraji Augur Staff – Healer staff
  • Blessed Qiraji War Hammer – Feral druid mace

Bug Trio Loot

The Bug Trio fight involves three bugs at the same time: Vem, Princess Yauj, and Lord Kri. They share some loot. But each bug also has its own loot table. Whichever bug is killed last determines the loot table. A combination of that bug’s look and the shared loot. Killing them in different order also changes the fight’s difficulty.

Folks at /r/classicwow on Reddit put together a great visual guide. It shows an individual bug’s loot, their shared loot, and the difficulty when killing each bug last.

My guild will be starting with the easiest kill order. Later we’ll put the kill order up to a vote by those in the raid.

Eye of C’Thun

The final boss, C’Thun, always drops the Eye of C’Thun. It starts a quest that leads to one of three rewards.

  • Amulet of the Fallen God – Healing necklace
  • Cloak of the Fallen God – Physical DPS cloak
  • Ring of the Fallen God – Caster DPS ring

AQ40 Profession Recipes

Check out my Phase 5 Professions post for more details on new professional recipes release in and alongside AQ40.

  • Plans dropped by The Prophet Skeram in AQ40
  • Epic plate chest with a spell shield proc
Cloak Enchants
  • Formula dropped by Bug Trio (shared loot, kill order doesn’t matter) and Ouro in AQ40
  • Adds 1% dodge
  • Formula dropped by Bug Trio (shared loot, kill order doesn’t matter) and Ouro in AQ40
  • Also drops from Moam in AQ20
  • Increases your stealth level by 5 (equal to one level)

Aq 20 Classic

  • Formula dropped by Twin Emperors in AQ40
  • Decreases threat caused by 2%
Glove Enchants
  • Formula dropped by Bug Trio (shared loot, kill order doesn’t matter), Viscidus, and Ouro in AQ40
  • Increases fire spell damage by 20
  • Formula dropped by Bug Trio (shared loot, kill order doesn’t matter) and Ouro in AQ40
  • Also drops from Buru the Gorger in AQ20
  • Increases frost spell damage by 20
  • Formula dropped by Bug Trio (shared loot, kill order doesn’t matter) and Ouro in AQ40
  • Also drops from Moam and Ayamiss the Hunter in AQ20
  • Increases healing from spells by 30
  • Formula dropped by Bug Trio (shared loot, kill order doesn’t matter) and Ouro in AQ40
  • Increases frost spell damage by 20
  • Formula dropped by Bug Trio (shared loot, kill order doesn’t matter) and Princess Huhuran in AQ40
  • Also drops from General Rajaxx and Ayamiss the Hunter in AQ20
  • Adds 15 agility
  • Formula dropped by Twin Emperors in AQ40
  • Increases threat by 2%